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VCI - VALHEN College Institute




Our Mission:


  We empower first generation students in the Commonwealth of Virginia with the tools to succeed.


Our Impact


Years Serving communities 

From our Hispanic College Institute at Virginia Tech, to our newest program the Hispanic STEM Academy at George University, to our yearly Encuentro hosted by different higher ed institutions throughout the Commonwealth, to the hundreds of volunteers that fuel our organization - we are proud to be entering the second decade serving our communities.



Youth Impacted

We are 2500+ strong: our students are proud to attend Virginia Tech, The University of Virginia, William & Mary, James Madison University, George Mason University, Radford University, Marymount University and other Virginia institutions. They are Gates Millenial Scholars, entrepreneurs, business and civic leaders, and leaders in our communities.  



Dollars of funds and in-kind gifts Raised

We continue to grow thanks to the generosity of our partners, supporters, and friends. Thank you!  ¡Muchas gracias!


The VALHEN College Institute

Courtesy of CBS-affiliate WDBJ7

Get Involved


Sign Up For a Program

Encuentro 2025 Registration is open!

Summer Program Applications open in January.

Volunteer opportunities

Are you a professional interested in working with youth and opening doors for them?

Are you a college student looking to give back to our communities? 

Pass it forward with VALHEN!

Make a Donation

Every dollar donated to VALHEN directly impacts youth in the Commonwealth of Virginia through scholarships and specialized programming. Thank you for standing strong with VALHEN!